Last year as we looked back on our holiday shooting season we decided to cut off sessions at the week before Thanksgiving because we felt that shooting on Thanksgiving was cutting it too close for Christmas. However, I had a few families call and ask specifically for that weekend for very good reasons. These families are our last three posts of the holiday season. One family wanted their baby to be a little bigger for family photos and two families needed to choose a time when their college-age kids would be home. And so, next year's plan was born...Thanksgiving Weekend, 2010 - Home for the Holidays Family Sessions.
This beautiful family was the perfect end to a great holiday shooting season. They have a beautiful home that was the perfect setting to capture their family portraits. I may sneak in at a later date if I'm
desperate for a location...shh...don't tell them.
We had a great time with them and though it was a bit chilly I think they had some fun too. Jason got to talk a little football, I didn't fall in the pool, I'm pretty sure we were caught on
videotape by their cinematic son and, oh yeah, we got some great images too...